¡Fiestaremos! The Judy Frankel Story, A Celebration of Sephardic Music1is a documentary by Dr Kate Regan, Professor of Spanish at the University of Portland. The film examines Judy's life and work and her close collaboration with the Sephardic community, and includes interviews with her.
It is available at Fiestaremos! The Music of Judy Frankel and The National Center for Jewish Film.
Fiestaremos has since been shown at various venues: the Clinton Street Theater, Portland, Oregon; the Jewish Community Library, San Francisco; the University of Oregon; Georgetown University. Most notably it opened the Sephardic Film Festival on 11 November 2008. It had its New York premiere on Sunday, 7 February 2010 as part of the NY Sephardic Jewish Film Festival, and was followed by a discussion led by Kate Regan and Samuel Thomas, performer, ethnomusicologist and executive director of AsefaMusic.
Clare Shreve reviews the film in The Beacon, the University of Portland newspaper. She writes: Frankel and her family loved the film ... she played the film for guests and would even harmonize with herself.
Doctor Regan gave a paper, History through Song: Judy Frankel
and the Sephardic Music Tradition, at GEMELA 20082 on 2 October 2008 at California State U in Long Beach.
1The film's original title was Fiestaremos: Judy Frankel and the Sephardic Music Tradition
2 GEMELA = Grupo de Estudios sobre la Mujer en España y las Américas (Study Group on Women in Spain and the Americas)